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What a wild ride!
Amnesia books are my jam so I was very excited to get a Candice Wright that includes this! Sole Survivor takes you on quite the ride, right from the first page to the last. It opens with Rue finding herself in a grave, not really knowing who she is. As the story progresses all she really knows is that she is the sole survivor of a serial killer and she has a cop, Nathan, who is definitely interested in her and willing to go above and beyond to help her, and she has Valen, who runs into her not long after she gets out of the hospital and tells her they have been together and seems obsessed with her.
We get glimpses throughout the book of a past and into the minds of someone who has lived through an horrific experience, but we only find how it fits with the story as little clues and pieces are unraveled as Rue is figuring things out. This story was filled with steamy scenes, lots of intense jealous, possessive alpha moments, and some really dark intense moments as we witness moments with the serial killer. I definitely had figured out part of the twist early on in the story, but at the same time kept second guessing myself and wasn’t fully sure. Definitely a wild ride and very worth reading!
Candice Wright is the international bestselling author of the Underestimated Series. Hailing from the sunny (sometimes) UK, Candice lives with her three slightly unhinged children and the long-suffering partner. When she isn’t busy raising the next generation of crazy, you can find her sitting at the computer writing words she hopes will resonate or snuggled up reading stories by the authors that cultivated her love of the written word.
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